About Us

We want to welcome you to, Remnant Church Madera.

Pastor Tim Echevarria and his wife, Maryanne, are the Pastors of Remnant Church in Madera, California. They have been happily married for over 30 years and have three children. Their ministerial work with Christ spans over 33 years. They gave their lives to the Lord in 1991 and have pastored and pioneered their first church in Sunnyside, Washington, in 1994 for three years. Then, they took over their mother church, in Madera, in 1997, where they pastor now.

Pastor Tim and his wife, Maryanne, have a heart of passion for the lost and for the world. They are both active in their community and world in evangelism, preaching, and making disciples. Pastor Tim has ministered in Africa, England, Russia, Philippians, Chile, and Mexico. Pastor Tim is also a Chaplain for the Madera Police Department in his community for over 7 years.  Pastor Tim also has been ministering in Juvenile Hals and Boot camps for over 23 years.

Pastor Tim has discipled and ordained five (5) pastors and sent out four (4) new church plants, in the City of Merced, Hanford, Fresno, West Fresno, and also launched a Spanish Church in our city of Madera.

  • Steve & Naomi Estrada

    Remnant Church Madera | Pastors

  • Alfredo y Brisia Diaz

    Remanente Madera | Spanish Ministry Pastors

  • Pat & Hortensia Luna

    Remnant Church West Fresno | Pastors


To preach the gospel to the poor to heal the brokenhearted to see people set free by the power of God to recover the sight of the blind so they can see, to see people free from the power of Satan Luke 4:18-19 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; 19 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord."

The church consists of a body of believers that are excited and vibrant about the will of God and dedicated to impact the world, as well as their community. Pastor Tim preaches with the hope of seeing the world won for Jesus and making impact in these last days. They are also interested in making disciples sending out Churches and seeing lives changed and transformed through the power of Jesus Christ for the city of Madera and throughout the world. Pastor Tim and Maryanne appreciate the leadership from their pastors, Pastor Danny and Barbara Casas, for the privilege of being entrusted with this great ministry.